About the Dominican Sisters

In our mission and ministries, the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids recognize the interconnectedness of everything.

When we opened the doors of  Dominican Center in 1993, it was to create a welcoming and inclusive space for those seeking to deepen their understanding of self, deepen their relationship with God, and to connect with others in relationship.

Our hope is to open hearts to faith, hope, truth, love, justice, and mercy, promised by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

We welcome people from all faith and culture traditions for prayer, shared study, service, and community-building.

Our Congregation and our ministries are grounded in Catholic Social Teaching — a belief that every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ and, therefore, is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. Jesus came to BE WITH us on Earth. We follow in his footsteps every day by BEING WITH you and by creating spaces where people can be together in community and faith.


Who are the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids?

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Who We Are

Dominican Spirit ~ Inspired by the Language of Love

Megan McElroy OP Order of PreachersFor Dominicans, compassion for humanity manifests itself as an attitude of availability in service to others, a reaching out to a world in need. Dominican spirituality is about bringing the light of truth to those who are in a position to make the world a better place.

"The Dominican invitation, as preachers and as Christians, is to speak with the language of Love in a way that taps into people’s experiences and helps them to know this Love in a profound way. I am convinced that if we could fine-tune our ability to engage the other in dialogue, we would witness the transformation of our world and Church. Such language would go a long way in healing the heart and soul of our own nation," writes Sister Megan McElroy.

"Dialogue is one of the steps we take, over and over, on our journey of life. It invites us to move beyond our comfort zone, sometimes physically, oftentimes internally, in our minds and hearts as well. Dialogue is not always a comfortable place to be, because it is a place of conversion, which can lead to peace and understanding," shares Sister Megan.

Read more from Megan McElroy's blog post.

Who are the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids?

Dominic's Blessing

May God the Father, who made us, bless us. May God the Son send his healing among us. May God the Holy Spirit move within us and give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and hands that God’s work might be done. May we walk and preach the word of God to all. May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us at last by God’s grace to the Kingdom. Amen.